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Media Credentials

Carlisle Events welcomes the working media (reporters, photographers and broadcasters) to our events. If you’d like to visit us, please see the policy below. Media credentials will be distributed only to working members of the media for the expressed purpose of covering Carlisle's events. Only those individuals/organizations with a legitimate working function will be issued media credentials.

Apply for Media Credentials


Carlisle Events will issue media credentials to members of the working press only. By definition, a member of the working press shall be a paid employee or representative of a known and established media organization (newspaper, magazine, television, radio, web site, etc.). Journalists who receive credentials must be on assignment for a specific media organization at each event.

Application Deadlines

To guarantee proper consideration for media credential approval, applications must be received by Carlisle Events no later than 24 hours prior to the start of an event. Carlisle Events cannot guarantee that journalists who submit their applications after the deadline will be accommodated.

Applying for a press credential in no way guarantees that you will receive press approval.

Interview Policy

Carlisle Events will provide opportunities for the media to interview requested individuals. Any interview requests should be directed to Mike Garland at (717) 243-7855 x133.

Credential Usage

Credentials must be worn at all times. Each media credential is issued specifically for the journalist who was accepted through the credential process. Any media outlet that wishes to change the name(s) of their credentialed journalist(s) must do so prior to the beginning of an event. Credentials may not be given or loaned to another person for any reason. Credentialed journalists will receive free admission to the event and access to VIP media work areas at the event venue.

Press Kits

Press kits are available at the Will Call Booth (located just outside of Gate 3). These kits contain updated information on the event and an event magazine with the schedule of activities.

Media Parking

Parking for media representatives is available by request. Supplied parking passes must be affixed to the driver's side of the vehicle's windshield. Media may only park in designated "Media Parking" areas. Media vehicles parked in unauthorized areas will be towed.


Carlisle Events recognizes the importance of photography and welcomes the media to obtain video and photography at our events. It is the responsibility of each Photographer to be responsible for the content and rights usage of all representation and likeness of the products captured. As such, Photographers must obtain permission to publish. Photographs taken at this event are not to be sold to any other media outlet, organization or individual unless permission is granted by Carlisle Events.

Safety and Security  - Burnouts

Under no circumstance should ANY MEDIA MEMBER, credentialed or not, be IN the burnout pit area while burnouts are active. This includes pre-burnout interviews with drivers, or post burnout clean up. In most cases, with a credential, you're granted access to the stage. If you have a camera you're looking to mount or have a specific agenda related to burnouts, an authorized staff member will work to assist you. Failure to comply with this policy will result in the revocation of your credential and removal from grounds.

Apply for Media Credentials

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Select Events:

Select Events: field input is required

Applying for a press credential in no way guarantees that you will receive press approval.

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Thank You

Carlisle Events would like to extend our appreciation to all media representatives who have attended the events over the years. Should you have any questions or requests please feel free to contact us directly.

Mike Garland
Public Relations Manager
717-243-7855 ext. 133

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